On Mondays, your child completes their agenda. We write in our spelling words for the week, our Raz-Kids and First in math requirement and our goal for the Tiger Reading Challenge. I greatly appreciate all of you that are so dilligent in seeing that your children complete these activities for the week. Each of these activities is important as part of your child's homework to undergird what happens in the classroom.
Raz-Kids is purchased for your child in an effort to provide you with books on your child's level. Many of us do not have time to go to the library and find books on our child's level or even find out our child's level. Raz-Kids is very beneficial if you are listening to your child read their books. Many of the children will listen to a story and then take a quiz. They skip the reading. Unfortunately, the next level cannot be reached until the reading of all the books on the current level is complete. Skipping the reading does not help your child improve their reading skills. Beginning next week, I will be individualizing your child's Raz-Kids requirement depending on the reading assessment that I am completing this week in class. Raz-Kids is a homework expectation.
First in Math is a 5 to 10 minute homework expectation every Monday thru Thursday night. The students that are consistently doing First in Math are doing exceptionally well with their math facts. When I checked today, some of the children had not been on First in Math in over a month. The homework of 5 to 10 minutes nightly is written in the agenda each week. If your child is having difficulty accessing FIM, then please let me know. This program purchased for your child is extremely beneficial in helping your child learn their math facts. Second grade math can be quite difficult if your child does not know their facts. Please consider purchasing flashcards to also help with the memorization of facts.
Thanks for your cooperation!
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